Mid July of 2024, (well, to be specific, the 19th and the 24th of July), Bibi and Lily found out what could happen if one is silly. Bibi has given birth to 4 beautiful babies, two chocolate silver girls, one chocolate girl and one sorrel boy. All four are rapidly gaining weight and almost starting to open their eyes, although the chocolate girl had a wobbly first day or two. Bibi has been a fantastic mum, and the milk bar is offering full fat milk!

After jumping the queue and having a sneaky rendezvous with Sam, Lily struggled with her first litter, due to it being a small one. She eventually had her kitten in the early hours of the 24th July. She is a typical teenage mum and is learning on the job by helping Bibi. Lily’s chocolate silver girl has been fostered by Bibi, and after a rough start with needing to be bottle fed, is now gaining weight.

Bibi and Lily really make the perfect pair of mothers. Bibi deals with the front end of the kittens and Lily helps with the back end!!

As of mid August 2024, all 5 kittens are waddling about, still a little shaky on their feet, but all are growing rapidly!!